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Fair Future Foundation
Ch. Des Longues Raies 9
1261 Le Vaud (vd)
Suisse – Switzerland
Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (BCV)
IBAN : CH 83 0076 7000 E543 5802 2
Bank Clearing: 767
Support the Fair Future Foundation with an offline donation via a secure bank transfer. Your contribution aids in providing healthcare, clean water, and educational initiatives for vulnerable communities across Southeast Asia.
Thank you for considering donating to the Fair Future Foundation. As a Swiss non-profit medical Foundation, our mission is unique: we provide essential healthcare, clean water, and education in some of the most remote areas of Southeast Asia.
Our nearly 100 dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to ensure that 93% of each donation goes directly to initiatives on the ground. Since our operations do not generate any salaries, your generosity has an even greater impact. From building health centers to providing intensive care to drilling wells, your support enables transformative actions.
Together, we can create meaningful change by empowering communities and fostering a healthier future.