The 1st toilets in the village are almost finished – We have already started to build the other eight in different places in Desa Mbinudita…
The involvement of the FFF teams and the villagers in constructing the first healthy sanitary installations in this village of more than 2,500 inhabitants is fabulous!
What is this image gallery about? Sanitary facilities, showers, toilets, a wastewater collection tank… This was a pilot project for the foundation. Today it is something normal. How do we build healthy, ecological, environmentally friendly sanitary facilities using mainly local materials (from sand, iron and cement)? How not to waste the water we found by drilling so deep here in Mbinudita? Where had drilling never been attempted? How to reuse wastewater to water the gardens, the plants, and the vegetables that do so much good to and improve the lives of everyone here? It was a challenge, but it is now a reality. Thank you so much for your interest Kawan.