This truck transports to rural sites, four new healthy sanitary facilities, toilets, and showers that our teams have built in our base camp of Rumah Kambera, Lambanapu, East Sumba.
This "Picture of the Day" shows you a truck loaded with metal constructions, which we transport to the rural villages of East Sumba. These are sanitary facilities built entirely by our teams in Rumah Kambera, which will be assembled in the houses -groups of houses-, so that the families can, for the first time in their lives, benefit from toilets and showers. Location: Prai Paha, East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.
Rather than donating tons of medicine to cure these illnesses linked to lack of hygiene, we are building healthy sanitation facilities. Because now, Fair Future and Kawan Baik foundations have given them access to clean water, having toilets is possible.
Access to healthy toilets is an important challenge for children's health. Here in rural areas, very few households use sanitation facilities, often with serious health and environmental consequences. Fair Future and Kawan Baik know better than anyone that quality toilets save lives. They are essential to preserving the health of children by preventing the spread of disease through human faeces.
Thank you for your interest and support, we love you.
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