The programs initiated by the foundation aiming to access a more harmonious and healthier life are aimed at all those who live in ultra-rural regions. And the friends who attend Annisa’s classes are of all ages.
This "Picture of the Day": To live old, live happily, as the saying goes. This man is not old, but the harshness of life here, the hours spent on gravel and dirt roads fetching unhealthy water and consuming it, give him the traits of an old man from the village. Location: Padi, village of Mbinudita, East Nusa Tenggara.
An old bamboo cane that he made himself, just a pareo to wear, his skin tanned by the sun and the work in the fields, the rice paddies. His thinness is linked to eating his fill here being impossible. Him? He's not that old, but he doesn't know his age. He tells us: 60 years. And he is there, we have known him for a long time. He attends the meeting with the families of Padi, Mbinudita, and East-Sumba.
He listens to us talk about the means that can be put in place so that he too can have a better life, a life with less water stress, less disease, and more to drink and eat, thanks to the means and infrastructures that Fair Future and Kawan Baik have built the last four years here.
Thank you for your interest and support, we love you.
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