Can you imagine that? Now that we have access to a water source for the 1st time in our lives, we will also have access to sanitary facilities here at home. We’ll be able to shower there too.
This "Picture of the Day shows you a family looking at the Fair Future and Kawan Baik teams who are finishing the construction of the first toilets in the history of this family, of this small group of houses. It's an incredible event for all of them who, until now, went out into nature to pee and poo. Location: Prai Paha, Nggaha Oriangu, Sumba Timur, NTT.
These toilets are part of more than forty toilets - healthy sanitary facilities - built by the Foundation as part of the #waterconnections project in East-Sumba. We also had to drill three deep wells and build more than thirty water reservoirs with a capacity varying between 3,500 and 24,000 litres, all connected by tens of thousands of meters of HDPE pipes.
Thank you for your interest and support, we love you.
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