Why do we all need access to medical care, and what is Fair Future doing to improve this access?
Child survival and development are at the very heart of all actions carried out by Fair Future. Health programs cannot be effective without access to water, primary medical care, and healthy food. This includes maternal, newborn, and child health and vaccination promotion.
What is this project led by Fair Future about? Many children here still die from easily preventable problems, especially in their first days/weeks of life, and from diarrhoea and pneumonia. These are easily prevented and treated but are the biggest killers of children in the region. Too many mothers are in poor health or do not survive childbirth. In many areas where Fair Future works, more than 75 per cent of children are stunted, a condition associated with long-term undernutrition and poor sanitation and hygiene practices. Fair Future notes that children are certainly the most affected by the indirect impact of the pandemic than by the viral infection itself. Indeed, we have noticed that the COVID-19 pandemic is having an effect on the health of children, but through the increase in poverty, the loss of education and the closure of schools -here in Indonesia, the closure of schools since March 2020-, food insecurity, violence as well as increased pressure on health systems and reduced access to personal health care services. Thank you very much, Kawan, for your incredible support.