The Water Connections Program works wonders, water makes things possible here in East Sumba, and that is what this program is all about.
Gardens appear on the site of our school and everywhere in this village of 2550 souls. Whereas before, this was not possible. From then on, new activities are created, and new opportunities arrive. And people now have a healthier life.
Not to mention our code of ethics, one of the common threads (or the philosophy of this work) is the creation of programs and installations which must respect the inhabitants, the traditions, the cultures, the nature but also give vast room for innovation.
We always give pride of place to innovation in everything we do: For example, wastewater must be able to be used for irrigation water needs, or the septic tank must be healthy and not contaminate the floor. We create tools for this. Most of the time, use what nature gives us (apart from cement and iron, of course). And it works incredibly well.
Of all the natural elements, water is the most vital for all of us. Without water, the human body cannot grow or survive. But we don’t just drink it. Water has become essential for almost everything we do daily. Not only for cooking, cleaning and hygiene but also for farming, so to be able to grow your vegetables, have a garden!
As part of the #waterconnections project, village #sdmbinudita, having water means being able to grow vegetables and fresh produce from a garden we have, with the villagers created on top of the highest hill in the region, here in East Sumba. These few images show you what was unthinkable a few months ago. Water is plentiful in a place where no nearby water source previously existed.
We see a change in habits in families who benefit from the Water Connections program. Gardens are created, people eat better, drink more, and have more energy. Access to better health has always been the primary mission of the foundation, and healing people just by giving them water is incredible for us.
The drought is severe here, and the rains are rare. Thus, this project of access to clean and non-hazardous water (an extraordinary action) makes it possible to water the gardens, cultivate fresh vegetables, see them grow and, in the end, eat them. These products from a natural environment will have as much effect as the ingestion of drugs that could have been given to patients for lack of food and vitamins.
The inhabitants of the regions where Fair Future and Kawan Baik work (in the context of projects related to health – and therefore, access to a source of drinking water) are the first victims of this situation. A garden makes it possible to sell its vegetables and thus improve its living conditions by acquiring an income, however minimal it may be.
#wateringmygarden #eathealthy #waterconnections #safewateraccess #cleanwateraccess #water #waterforlife #healthierlife #rumahkambera #ntt #waterforlife #healthylife #economicimpact
A beautiful day to you from East Sumba.
Rumah Kambera – Socio-Medical base camp, the 24.08.2022