The SolarBuddy 2025 interactive distribution map marks a pivotal achievement in our mission to fight energy poverty. It highlights schools that will receive SolarBuddy lights, shown in yellow, and underscores our advancements in brightening educational settings. Over 2,224 SolarBuddy lights are set for distribution to these schools, promising to transform the academic and social environment by enabling students to study safely after sunset.
Even with these advancements, our map reveals a grim reality: over 100 schools are highlighted in gray. These represent institutions still lacking electricity, affecting more than 10,000 children and families who endure daily challenges due to the absence of light. This sharp disparity highlights the urgent necessity for ongoing efforts and support. Our mission is far from complete; however, each SolarBuddy light distributed paves the way for new opportunities. It offers illumination and a tangible solution that leads to a brighter future.
“Light is more than just illumination—it’s a catalyst for education, opportunity, and progress in communities still left in the dark.”— Alex Wettstein, Founder, Fair Future Foundation
By exploring this interactive map (and all others here), you can experience firsthand the impact of our efforts and appreciate the crucial role collaborations play in this exciting journey for young minds. We encourage you to utilize this visual tool, join our mission, and help foster sustainable empowerment in communities through renewable energy solutions.
11.02.2025 | Thank you very much for your interest and help. Alex, Rumah Kambera.
- SolarBuddy: Provides solar lights to children living in energy poverty.
- United Nations Sustainable Development: Promotes clean and affordable energy solutions.
- Global Off-Grid Lighting Association: Works to expand off-grid solar solutions globally.
- World Bank Energy Access: Supports energy solutions for underserved communities.
- Schneider Electric Foundation: Invests in energy solutions for education and sustainability.
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