Where are we with the Water Connections project? What still needs to be done so that everyone has access to clean and healthy water?
This interactive map of the Water Connections project, Mbinudita site, by the Fair Future and Kawan Baik foundations, is for all of us on construction sites, an essential tool that we update as regularly as possible.
In 2015, 4.5 billion people did not have access to a safe water source (faeces are not well treated). In addition, 2.3 billion people were unable to benefit from basic sanitation. Here in East Sumba, 60% of families do not have access to water, and 95% of families do not have access to safe and clean water (we are not talking about drinking water).
As part of the sustainability goals that Fair Future has set itself, which include access to safe drinking water and sanitation solutions – we call this vital program “Water Connections” – we are changing this in a significant way and reducing this percentage.
In 100% of the villages and regions where we work, the scarcity of drinking water is a significant problem that affects all families, creates diseases, increases infant mortality, and creates poverty at all levels. The growing drought linked to climate change and desertification worsens these trends yearly; it is a fact observed.
For more than two years, Fair Future and Kawan Baik have worked to provide equitable access to clean and safe water and to provide sanitation facilities, toilets, showers and promote hygiene for all. Levels in ultra-rural areas of eastern Indonesia.
Here in East Sumba, 60% of families do not have access to water, and 95% of families do not have access to safe and clean water.
This Google map we update regularly shows you all that we have already done in the #mbinudita #rebuildmbinudita region. There are more than forty toilets, more than thirty tanks between 3,500 and 25,000 litres, three deep boreholes, more than fifteen kilometres of HDPE pipes that we have buried, and thousands of fittings and taps. See some photo galleries here.
This is to provide access to clean water and toilets to more than 250 families, nearly 2,800 people, more than 65% of whom are children under 12.
For any information on using this map, or if you wish to integrate it into your website, don’t hesitate to contact Kawan Cae here.
We wish you a beautiful day wherever you are.
Alex – Fair Future Foundation – 14.02.2023, Rumah Kambera.
Play with this Google map | Location: East Sumba, NTT – Indonesia
First, click on the map to work on it (your cursor icon will change from an arrow to a hand). You need to click it again if you move your cursor outside the map field – At the top left, there is a button to show and hide legends – Use the mouse scroll to zoom in / out – Click on the icon to see the detail info
#sustainabledevelopmentgoals #sdgs #maps #socialmaps #cleanwater #ntt #socialwork #socialworker #googlemap #innovation #wearethefuture #innovativeproject #geosocialinteractions #waterconnections #kawanbaiksumba #kawanbaikindonesia #kawansehat #sumba #innovation #waterforlife #fairfuture #kawanbaik