It is part of our work there that needs to be done. Yes, Fair Future and Kawan Baik Foundations travel a lot, act a lot in order to respond in the most correct way possible to the immense needs of the population, of vulnerable people, including children, the elderly and pregnant women.
But before that, you have to study, take stock of the situation, define the problems and then assess the needs. This in the areas most affected by the disaster here in East Sumba and there are so many. An essential mapping task, fascinating if you want to be truly effective.
Some photos taken during our work yesterday April 19, 2021, in the region of Mauliru, Sumba East. We met people there who have great needs: To have access to consumable water, food, medical care, means of storage, enough to sleep, to have a roof to protect themselves too.
These tens of thousands of people went through hell and today they are trying to get by with so little money and far too little help.
This is where we work with Fair Future Foundation, Kawan baik Indonesia and all the people, good friends, who have joined us in what is now the biggest aid center in East Sumba: I’m talking about Rumah Kambera here. It’s like in an anthill here, people run in all directions, busy preparing food donations, huge containers of medicine. People also come to bring donations of food, huge 2200 0r 5000 liter tanks so that we can install them in villages where there is no water at all. An incredible energy emanates from this magical and timeless place.
Thank you also to all of you who have donated to Fair Future, without you this would not be possible at all. You are all saving lives, and today we are planning for the long term, even the very long term because the most important problems are to come: Water, food, medical care, reconstruction, infrastructure, civil engineering.
Thank you so much for helping us. We need medicines, donation, medical supplies, food… Do not forget them!
The Fair Future Foundation team, direct from the biggest medical, social camp in East Sumba, at Rumah Kambera base camp.