We need a truck to bring equipment to villages. Can you help us with this? It is essential for our activities on site.
For our base camp in NTT, we need a truck capable of transporting minimum loads of four tonnes into the heart of eastern Indonesia’s most rural and remote areas.
Dear friends, hello everyone. How are you today?
Fair Future needs you, again and again… But this time, it’s to acquire equipment that will allow us to do much more in favour of the communities living in the most inaccessible regions and where we work because it is where the most disadvantaged people are to be found: A second-hand truck for transporting heavy equipment as our drilling machine.
As you may know, we have acquired a drilling machine to drill deep wells. In East Sumba, water is extremely scarce, and few villages have access. This work of access to clean water is part of the program “Kawan Sehat – The healthy friend”, initiated nearly 15 years ago.
For over two years now, Fair Future and Kawan Baik have had a simple reflection on the diseases we face every day. It is now accepted that the vast majority of our patients are sick because they do not have access to water, either in quality or quantity. So rather than treating the symptoms of the disease, Fair Future decided to put in place means at the source and give as many people as possible access to quality water in quantity.
The results were not long in coming, and wherever we have given access to clean water, families and children have much better health. Economic opportunities have been created and are still being developed.
Acquiring our first deep well drilling machine is an essential element of this program to be as efficient as possible. It aims to provide access to drinking water to tens of thousands of people who never had access to it. But also to sanitary facilities, because here, people’s natural needs are met behind the nearest tree.
Our machine weighs nearly three tons and is made up of four elements: The body of the device, the drilling tower, the pumps and the motor, and the almost forty steel tubes of 3.50m each. Each drilling requires approximately five tons of equipment that must be brought to places most often inaccessible to standard vehicles.
Our machine cannot be transported in one trip but four trips: To do this, we must hire a truck and its driver; this costs the Foundation nearly $60 per trip or $240 for a single drilling operation. It is too expensive! And logistically, it’s too complicated because once there, the truck is no longer there… And always have to come back to Rumah Kambera Base Camp because we need tools or additional equipment.
Therefore, we decided to acquire a used truck capable of transporting minimum loads of four/five tonnes into the heart of eastern Indonesia’s most rural and remote areas. The price for a second-hand truck from 2015 – 2017 is between 12 to 14,000.- Swiss francs or Dollars.
Apart from drilling, this truck will be assigned to other heavy equipment transport tasks, as you can see in the gallery below, as we do several times a week, again having to rent a car for ongoing projects. In particular, activities related to #waterconnections programs in other villages, for the construction of sanitary facilities, water tanks etc… The Truck of Life is not made to transport heavy loads or equipment of building but for people linked to the pure medical activities of the Foundation.
If you feel like it, you can help us bring this heavy equipment to where we drill, build, and work constantly. This will benefit the people who benefit from our actions to provide access to a healthier life with clean water and sanitary facilities. This truck will bring solutions to improve lives. Nothing other than that.
We have been observing the local market for a few days and found good second-hand vehicles: Not too old, in good general condition. The model we have chosen, the one we are looking for, which meets our needs, but will also be easy to repair or maintain in good condition here in East Sumba, is an “Isuzu Elf – Engkel” type truck.
So, thank you very much for your help and your kindness too.
Dates of Photos: July 2022 | Location: Water Connections project – Site of Mbinudita
#truck #donteforatruck #weneedatruck #buildingproject #deepwelldrilling #waterconnections #safewateraccess #cleanwateraccess #water #healthierlife #sumbatimur #ntt #watershortages #ferro-cement #economicimpact #fairfuturefoundation #kawanbaikindonesia #kawansehat #kawanpintar