As you know, Fair Future, Kawan Baik Foundations, and the Indonesian Red Cross are starting a “post-emergency” program, linked to access to clean water.
We already started a pilot project that aims to provide clean water to nearly 40 families, or more than 250 people, a good third of whom are children. (ref. this News here).
This project is detailed in the .PDF document that you can download here. This presentation explains why, how, and the costs of construction, drilling, and equipment of this “water point”.
Kawan Andri, our architect who made the plans for this project that ideally we should duplicate by 40 (number of villages that do not have access to clean water or lack it), presents the construction plan of the pilot project. Obviously, this project may evolve depending on the location of the 39 other water points. Outdoor activity is the main focus while designing this building. Providing shade using local material such as bamboo, and water-related activity such as seed nurturing and, of course, sanitation. sanitation is integrated into a designed water flow and two separate toilets.
By creating places like this, which include: Male and female toilets, access to clean water, a place to wash clothes, wash hands, a place to germinate seeds for the vegetable patch… Fair Future and Kawan Baik foundations, in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross, offer more than 250 people and 40 families, something to eat much healthier, drink clean water, avoid diarrhea for young children (one of the causes of death main of the children here) to get better, to get less sick but also to generate income through the creation of gardens. And the whole disease prevention side, especially for pregnant or menstruating women, for their privacy too, is extremely important.
Note that this first “pilot” project has started, in its phase of information to the population concerned. Our teams on site are hard at work with families. As always in the foundation’s projects, we count on the locals to help us rebuild their own village and community.
The feedback from the families is obviously extremely favorable and we are organizing sessions with the villagers to inform them how they will be able to use this new facility. This is the essential side of this project: Learning to take care of yourself, to live better. to be in better health, to reduce child mortality, diseases, gynecological problems etc …
Below, the construction process is presented to you in this .PDF document, which you can also download at this link here. And of course, if you have questions, suggestions, remarks, or if you wish to help us, financially, morally, practically by good words, some material of governmental, institutional or private aid, you are all welcome.
The Fair Future Foundation team, who wrote this news, directly from what is the largest medical and social camp in the eastern region of Indonesia (NTT), the home of Fair Future and Kawan Baik Indonesia, who is called “Rumah Kambera“, house of Kambera, named after the village that welcomes us, in the heart of the area most devastated by this disaster.
Thank you for your interest and benevolence. See you soon.