The primary medical care access program in rural villages is just amazing, it saves lives. Let’s do even more, starting this month.
Such a program needs to be evaluated together with those on the ground. It is also now necessary to supplement the stocks of the more than 60 pharmacies because the teachers provide a lot of medical care. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with additional equipment and medicines.
Hello, this is Alex. How are you doing today? First of all and as usual, I wish you with all my heart to be fit, happy and healthy.
In order to end poverty and reduce inequalities In line with our Sustainable Development Goals, good health is essential for all. We are indeed more active when we are in good health.
As I quickly told you above, it is now time for us, the medical teams of Fair Future and Kawan Baik, to carry out an initial evaluation of the primary medical care program in ultra-rural regions.
A reminder for those who have not followed: This program aims to give the theoretical and practical means, to teachers in villages isolated from everything, to provide first medical care, in the event of injury or illness of a child or ‘an adult.
This Primary Medical Care Program focuses on certain populations, groups and communities that are excluded from health care access systems and left behind.
The theoretical means are complete training courses – modules lasting several days – on “how to give first aid when no health professional is present”. Training is given by doctors and social workers from our friends and partners who are: “Charis Sumba” and “Sumba Volunteers“.
See some pictures here: Day #1 – Day #2.
The theory is complemented by two books that Fair Future and Kawan Baik have produced. Ref: “Kawan Sehat” and “The first action if there is no doctor”. We also practice practical exercises in the classroom on How to save a life, heal an injury and learn how to give medicine. Therefore we also transmit basic medical knowledge about drugs.
We have distributed a complete pharmacy (or large first aid kits) to each of the teachers participating in this unique program in the world. This pharmacy box is made up of a large number of medical items, which have been donated and used since last December with patients. So we have to replace what has been used.
In view of the incredible success of this program, we also want to create a collection centre for medical equipment in order to complete what will soon be hundreds of pharmacies.
Field program evaluation
You can imagine that such a program requires “real doctors” to go on-site on a regular basis, to carry out an evaluation of medical actions and all these gestures which have already saved lives since last December. As you can see in the few photos below, taken by the teachers – most of the time in extreme conditions – hundreds of primary medical procedures have been applied since December 2022.
It is via the WhatsApp group that we receive the comments and the images that we show you here. It is also via WA that our medical teams answer questions from first-aid teachers almost every day. Their participation and investment in this program leave us all speechless; it is absolutely brilliant and the word is weak.
Therefore, it is from the end of this month of February that we are going to go on-site, to about ten villages -we will not be able to go everywhere-. Therefore, it is also planned to ask more than sixty participants to come for a day of sharing and questions and answers on the site of our Rumah Kambera Medico-Social Base Camp.
Of course, we will have to finance this medical equipment for these nearly one hundred pharmacies, and all this stock of equipment that we want to dedicate to this primary medical care program. From then on, you are extremely welcome to help us and help them in the event of a medical emergency. Thank you so much to support us.
We wish you a beautiful day wherever you are. Remember to take care of yourself and everyone you love. It is the most important.
Alex – Fair Future Foundation – 15.02.2023, Rumah Kambera.
Primary medical care is provided by teachers from rural schools in East Sumba.
They are not doctors or nurses. Thanks to the knowledge acquired during training modules in primary medical care, they are teachers who treat, save lives, detect the first symptoms of Dengue or the disease and act. These teachers, in their villages without water, electricity, road access and above all without doctors, provide medical care for injured or sick children and lives are saved!
The magic of this “Primary Medica Care” program? It’s just that it’s unique in the world, and it works. The first batch of sixty teachers who have followed the training in primary medical care in rural areas tells us about their “exploits” and their work as rescuers. They take confidence in themselves as the most important, and we note it. Medical care is given to children of sick or injured adults. Lives are being saved.
Since Fair Future and Kawan baik Indonesia foundations started this program by training more than sixty people and published two books (one for schools for children and the other for participants), the results are simply extraordinary. The enthusiasm of these new rescuers- who are, as a reminder, the teachers of these villages and ultra-rural regions of East Sumba-is merely remarkable. It exceeds all our wildest expectations. The images in this article show you some of the daily medical situations teachers face.
Photos are taken by mobile phone and uploaded to the “healthy friend” group via WhatsApp. The participants in this innovative program, “Primary medical care in rural areas”, which consists of empowering people, are all teachers who teach in schools isolated from everything (schools in the outermost regions). Read more information here, kawan.
By the way, do you know what Kawan Baik means? Nope? So click here to find out Kawan!