We will construct seven ferrocement tanks in Laindatang to provide clean water to isolated families. Three of these are funded, but four are still needed. We require CHF 2,300.- for each tank. Your support guarantees access to clean water for the most remote communities. Donate now and be part of this life-changing project.
Personal reflections and updates from Alex Wettstein, Founder of Fair Future
Reflections on life, the world, our mission to create change

In this photo taken during the inauguration of the public primary school and the visit of the Water Connections project by the regent of East Sumba, Alex is thanked by the entire community of the village of Mbinudita for having been, with Fair Future, the main actor in this immense achievement. Alex receives a piece of local fabric called Ikat from the hands of Bapak Rinto, a dear friend with whom we have been working since 2019 on this project called #RebuildMbinudita.
12.12.2024 - A Christmas of Reflection: Past, Present and Future at the Heart of the Engagement
I reflect on Fair Future’s resilience and my own.
How we have overcome challenges and implemented transformative solutions in 2024.
Hello to everyone, it’s Alex. How are you today?
How are you? How are you feeling? Do you realize that in just twelve days, it will be Christmas? As 2024 comes to an end, I feel the need to take a moment to share with you a personal reflection, some introspection, and, above all, deep feelings of gratitude.
A few times a year, most recently last August, I take the time to write “A Word from Alex“. These are, admittedly, (very) long open letters that are entirely spontaneous, directly from my thoughts and everything that makes me a thinking and creative human being. They are addressed to everyone: my family, my friends, my colleagues, those we help, and even people I don’t know.
These letters allow me not only to keep you informed about events but also to pause amidst the constant, exciting whirlwind that is my, our, daily life here in the far east Indonesia. These moments of writing—outside of the articles we publish on the Swiss Foundation’s website—are rare, yet they are essential for me to (re)connect with all of you and to strengthen what we have been building together since 2008 and even earlier.
This year has been particularly intense, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Each day brought its share of challenges, sometimes overwhelming ones. It was difficult then, and it remains so now. However, thanks to your unwavering support, the exceptional dedication of our teams on the ground, and the strength of our shared vision, we are holding strong. Together, we have faced these trials, and it is this unity, this solidarity, that constitutes our greatest strength. Thank you for making this possible. Thank you for being here, year after year.
2024: A Challenging Yet Successful Year

A young girl in an ultra-rural village discovers the sound of her heartbeat, a moment of amazement and learning.
Every day of this year has been a true challenge. There have been overwhelming responsibilities I often bear alone, colossal projects on the ground in which I am deeply involved, and unforeseen events that have required immediate responses, often on the spot. Administrative constraints, sometimes absurd, could have discouraged me, but I never gave up (or if I did, I quickly got back up). Not because it was easy, but because the beneficiaries of our work, those tens of thousands of people, remind us almost daily why and for whom we do all this.
And then there is a thought that rarely leaves my mind, one that drives me: that of my biological father, Axel Kahn, who passed away on July 5, 2024. A tireless and brilliant worker, an extraordinary man. During the three months before his death, he chose to publicly share every moment of the end of his life with rare lucidity and humanity. Through this act, he sought to shed light on a topic often considered taboo: death, and more specifically, the experience of one’s final moments—a subject of societal debate for a long time, which greatly fascinates me. Until the very end of his earthly life, he wanted to share his final moments.
Like him, I am driven by an unending quest for balance and social justice. Axel passionately supported scientific progress while keeping human dignity at the forefront of his concerns. This duality, this effort to harmonize sometimes contradictory values, is a constant source of inspiration for me. I often think of him and our last phone call, just a few days before his death, during which he congratulated me on our work.
It is in this spirit that my commitment to Fair Future makes perfect sense. Innovating, building, and addressing the essential needs of the most vulnerable while respecting their humanity, culture, and dignity: this is the guiding principle of our actions. Like Axel, I ask myself daily: How can we reconcile progress, balance, and humanism? How can we combine pragmatism and justice in our work? How can we be heard, and then, most difficult of all: understood? These reflections are not a burden but a compass that motivates both me and the foundation to go ever further.
Returning to 2024 after this familial digression… The projects carried out this year—be it deep drilling, healthcare, medical care, social aid, or various training initiatives in schools or the construction of sanitation facilities—have been, for the most part, successful. Faced with the challenges encountered, we have learned to adapt and persist in our efforts. It is our resilience and ability to move forward despite obstacles that make Fair Future strong. I am deeply convinced that our efforts are never in vain; that every action and every small step helps transform lives and build a better future. This conviction lies at the very heart of our mission’s meaning.
Yet, 2024 has pushed me to my limits. Between malaria, dengue, strange skin infections caused by equally strange insects, and emotional shocks linked to our environment here, I have honestly suffered from persistent fatigue. Fears and other worries, accompanied by physical pain induced by immense stress, have manifested in sleepless nights and sometimes painfully paralyzing anxiety attacks. I even had to visit the hospital urgently for tests, convinced that my heart was in danger. Fortunately, after a reassuring ECG and cardiac ultrasound, it turned out that my heart—resilient through challenges—was fine, or almost fine! These scares, however, underscored how serious stress can be—so, please take care of yourselves mentally and emotionally, friends.
What has sustained me, and continues to do so every day, is observing the gratitude of those we help in these arid regions where nothing grows. A simple glance, a few words, or a smile from them is a true therapy—this is my reward. Witnessing the transformations in their lives has kept me going, even during the most challenging moments of these past months.
16 Years of Dedication: A Challenging Yet Fulfilling Journey

Dog bites can be managed effectively with proper wound care and medical advice to prevent infections and rabies.
Few people truly understand what it means to dedicate over sixteen years of their life to a cause, especially one focused on humanity, solely in service of others. It is not just a temporary commitment; it is almost an entire existence devoted to a project that transcends oneself. Honestly, this mission still completely overwhelms me today. Over these sixteen years, I have experienced brilliant moments filled with deep humanity, as well as challenges that were almost insurmountable, yet we overcame them.
When situations become too difficult, as they have in recent months, a question often crosses my mind: “If you had the chance to go back, Alex, would you do it again?” While my answer may vary depending on the moment and the exhaustion felt, 90% of the time, it is clear and unequivocal: “Of course, I would… with a few adjustments.”
Reflecting on the time spent and in this season of Christmas, it is hard for me to choose a specific anecdote as some often ask me to do. Difficult, I say, because each day here is a story in itself, full of challenges and small victories. What motivates me deeply is what remains to be done. My inspiration comes from my hopes—or rather the dream—that I wish to turn into solutions. Thus, I would no longer need to worry about finding the necessary resources: buying medicines, disinfectants, vital submersible or surface pumps, educational materials, construction tools, and so on. Finally securing these essential means would be a tremendous relief and a step toward a more secure future for all, including myself!
The challenges that await us tomorrow are immense, the projects we envision ambitious, and the number of lives we can transform, even just a little, is vast. Yet, despite all this, our presence endures thanks to you. Thank you for supporting this vision for sixteen years and for continuing to inspire us as we begin our 17th year in February 2025.
Yes, it can be complicated and sometimes even absurd… But it is also incredibly beautiful, infinitely precious, and it is what gives profound meaning to every effort we make.
I Look to 2025: Ambitious Projects for Tomorrow
Next year will once again be crucial for the Foundation. While I say this every year, it remains profoundly true. Despite our modest size and our uniqueness as one of the few Swiss medical NGOs operating abroad, we continue to undertake ambitious, innovative, and sustainable projects. I sincerely hope these initiatives will allow us to push the limits of our mission even further and bring lasting and meaningful change where it is most needed.
- Solar Buddy: As in 2024, when we distributed just over 200 lamps, in 2025, we will distribute no fewer than 2,224 solar lamps to villages without electricity. Powered daily by solar energy, these lamps will not only provide light but also offer valuable security, reduce the risks of nighttime accidents, and allow children to study in a peaceful environment in the evening. This initiative goes far beyond merely lighting homes—it truly transforms entire lives.
- Primary Medical Care: We will continue to develop this crucial program, which treats between 500 and 800 patients each month. A true cornerstone of our initiatives, it also highlights a worrying reality: the constant and urgent increase in medical needs. In the face of these growing challenges, the resources required keep increasing. Without medicine, adequate equipment, or materials for construction and drilling, human lives are at risk. Our ability to respond effectively to these needs is essential, and every contribution genuinely makes a difference.
- Water Connections: In Lapinu, our goal is to launch a new “Water Connections” project to serve an entire village deprived of drinking water, electricity, and sanitation facilities—a situation unfortunately still common here. At the same time, we plan to construct a 110 m³ reservoir in Laindatang to address the semi-failure of the drilling undertaken during the third phase of the Water Connections program. These initiatives are vital in this region, where access to clean water is a daily challenge with direct consequences on the health and living conditions of local communities.
- Truck of Life: In 2025, our “Truck of Life” will remain a key element of our field interventions. This medical vehicle, fully equipped to access the most isolated areas, will provide medical care, diagnostics, and medicines where no one else can go. It will also be capable of performing ultrasounds and storing vaccines and treatments thanks to its integrated refrigerator. By offering direct medical support to often neglected communities, it continues to be a lifeline for countless individuals.
- Water Analysis Laboratory: This is an essential project to combat water-related diseases that severely affect local communities. This small, partially mobile laboratory will allow us to monitor water quality, identify contaminants like E. coli, and provide rapid solutions. Designed simply, it can be used by non-specialists after basic training. A good portion of the necessary funding is already secured, and this project will represent a significant step forward in preventing diseases and improving public health in rural areas.
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Facing Ecological and Health Crises: Educate, Prevent, Act, and Never Despair!

Addressing the growing challenge of tuberculosis in ultra-rural communities with prevention and care.
Every day, we sadly witness the devastating effects of climate change, ecological crises, and reckless overdevelopment that disregards the well-being of future generations. In the regions where we work, these upheavals only exacerbate already widespread poverty and revive serious illnesses once considered eradicated, such as polio and tuberculosis, to name just two. These diseases present real health and social challenges, illustrating the direct consequences of a degraded environment, limited access to healthcare, and an alarming lack of education about these crucial issues.
Climate cycles are becoming increasingly unpredictable, causing lands to dry up and reducing clean water reserves. This exposes populations to an even greater risk of malnutrition, epidemics, and preventable suffering. We see this every day among those silently enduring a world often indifferent to their basic needs. These challenges are not isolated; they are part of a global problem fueled by selfishness and the immediate pursuit of profit at the expense of solidarity and sustainability.
Despite the magnitude of these crises, we (I) refuse to sink into fatalism. With our limited resources and the support of those who believe in our mission, Fair Future and Kawan Baik continue to take concrete actions. Through our programs for access to clean water, healthy sanitation facilities, healthcare, waste management, healthy nutrition, anti-smoking campaigns, and prevention for a more harmonious life in a healthier environment, we offer innovative and sustainable solutions. However, collective awareness is crucial to make further progress. The current total lack of political action, both here and elsewhere, is a significant obstacle to the meaningful change these global issues require. Without widespread education and increased public awareness, the progress we strive for—starting with where we operate—will remain fragile and at risk.
Together, we must educate, prevent, and protect. We must stop talking about hope and instead focus on solutions. Climate change and environmental degradation are not inevitable, although… When I look at the nature around me, the sea, the rivers, it sends a chill down my spine. These are urgent calls to action. We are convinced that with a collective vision and shared commitment, it is still possible to turn these challenges into opportunities to build a fairer and more human future. Let’s put humanity and common solidarity back at the center of our daily debates. Quite the challenge!
A Message of Thanks and Sincere Wishes

Spreading cheer and sharing love: A unique two-day Christmas celebration with the children and families of an East Sumba village, filled with gifts, food, and smiles.
As we approach the end of the year, a time that evokes both relaxation and reflection for me, Christmas is near. It is a special moment for me, not for what it has become—however commercial it may be—but for its values: time spent with family, generosity, and the bonds that unite us. It is also the perfect occasion to sincerely wish you a 2025 filled with health, love, happiness, and precious moments with your loved ones.
I particularly want to use this moment to express my gratitude. To my family in Switzerland, France, and Indonesia: my children, their mother, and my wife Ayu. You are my strength and my anchor. Even when I am far away or consumed by my mission, which has become an integral part of me, you constantly encourage me. I sincerely thank you for your unconditional love and infinite patience.
To the teams on the ground, who strive tirelessly under often challenging conditions: you are incredible. Every day, your dedication and resilience inspire me, I promise you. What we accomplish together is extraordinary, and I am proud to walk this path alongside you.
To our volunteers, the many people who, everywhere, dedicate their time, energy, and hearts: you have my utmost admiration. Your commitment makes possible what would otherwise not be. You are a collective force whose importance I evaluate every day.
Finally, to you who are reading these words and supporting us in so many ways: thank you. You are the very soul of this Foundation, this collective masterpiece that is the major mission of my life, after my children. Without your invaluable support, nothing here would be possible.
To all of you, I extend my wishes for a joyful Christmas and radiant end-of-year celebrations. May 2025 be filled with solutions, strength, and beautiful successes. I am convinced that together, we can build a better future.
With all my heart and much more,
Alex, December 12, 2024.
14.08.2024 - Getting back into a good habit with an open letter from Alex to all of you
Hello everyone, this is Alex. How are you?
Over the past 15 years, I have dedicated my life to helping others through Fair Future. During this long but rewarding period of my life, I have worked tirelessly to help those in greatest need by creating health centers, schools, pharmacies, primary care centers, sanitation facilities, and clean water sources where they were previously lacking. I feel grateful, but also very aware of the great responsibility that we all bear at Fair Future.
We have had (and continue to have) a positive impact on hundreds of thousands of lives, highlighting how essential our work is every day. As I write these words, my socio-medical teams and I are at work helping communities that are often neglected or forgotten by others, by the system, and by the authorities as well. Our primary goal is to provide social, educational, emotional, structural, and of course medical support to all those who would not have access without us.
Recently, my wife Ayu and I, in our work, had the honor of receiving the Paul Harris Fellow Award from Rotary International. This recognition is not only a lesson in humility, but it also encourages us to continue our important work of helping those in need.
Our Water Connections programs continue to change lives, particularly in the Laindatang region, where our ongoing drilling efforts have now reached their sixth month. This is undoubtedly my most challenging task to date, both physically and emotionally. The most complicated thing in my life… The responsibility of providing clean water to hundreds of families rests heavily on my shoulders, but I do not give up; I continue this fight here in Laindatang.
Our daily reality is the battle against infectious diseases linked to unsafe water, unhealthy food, and poor living habits. Although malaria weakens me, I refuse to let it defeat me. Every day, I fight relentlessly for myself and for others. Our Zero Malaria program saves lives, one house at a time, one person after another, through its innovative and proactive techniques, protecting entire families from this devastating disease.
The resurgence of polio—a disease we thought we had eradicated—deeply troubles me personally. Facing children as young as three years old who can no longer use their limbs and crawl—it truly affects me, believe me. In these remote areas, countless children are affected by the Poliovirus due to the lack of vaccination and healthcare access. Their dramatic situation constantly pushes me to reflect on what more we can do with our limited resources.
Since its launch two years ago, the Primary Medical Care program has treated an impressive number of patients. It is undoubtedly much more than a lifeline for countless people who have no medical resources where they live. This program allows us to provide first aid in cases of injuries or illnesses in regions without medical care. I am very proud of all our achievements so far. However, the needs remain significant, and there is still a lot of work to be done; we still have a long way to go, particularly in ensuring medication coverage for the next 12 months, clearly, we need a lot.
After three months of repairs and upgrades, our medical truck, known as the Truck of Life, is ready to (re)take the road with a fridge inside to store vaccines, medications, and other rapid tests, as well as a portable USG unit to check, among other things, the pregnancies of women, especially those affected by infectious diseases, including Malaria. We are also delighted to announce a new addition to the family of “two or four wheels”: A sturdy used vehicle—a small truck—which as soon as possible will be dedicated to construction projects and drilling. Witnessing these achievements fills me with feelings of satisfaction and optimism.
The collaboration with Rotary International is of paramount importance, particularly in the areas of clean water access and infectious disease control. Their support and their short, medium, and long-term vision are invaluable to all of us here and significantly contribute to the achievement of our goals. Moreover, they are now family members, friends, and true working partners too.
Our five-ton drill rig, received through a private donation three years ago, continues to operate reliably. With each meter of land drilled, it provides clean water and concrete actions to thousands of people, transforming lives and representing a step towards a future where clean water is a fundamental right for all. It is currently being used for the drilling in Laindatang, where we have been working for six months…
As part of all our programs, our Swiss organization is also working on initiatives focused on nutrition, hygiene, and protection against diseases caused by excessive consumption of tobacco, alcohol, or junk food. We are actively conducting several awareness campaigns that effectively mobilize thousands of people and lead to an overall improvement in living conditions in the regions we serve. See the posters here.
Despite all these successes, all these achievements that “I am told, really stand out… ”, I am often overwhelmed by apprehension and uncertainty. The demands are immense, making it difficult to accomplish everything. Nevertheless, I remain convinced of the importance of avoiding hasty expansion while adhering to our simplest and truest principles and goals: – Taking human actions in favor of humanity…
As Élisa pointed out during our General Assembly last week, we can be proud that 93% of the funds we receive are actually used for our field projects, as confirmed by the latest financial audit. This level of commitment is rare and perhaps unique in the world of NGOs.
In short, this means that if you make a donation of CHF 100,-, CHF 93,- will go directly to the purchase of medications, medical equipment, school supplies, or construction materials, for example; none will be used for salaries (because there are none), and only the bare minimum will be spent on the Foundation’s administrative expenses. This is what distinguishes Fair Future, along with the fact that it is “we, the Swiss” who are 24/7 on the ground, us and no one else. A true Swiss NGO!
Regarding administrative expenses, obtaining the Zewo certification would be a plus for us after more than 15 years. So, receiving it this year would be a wonderful anniversary gift for the Foundation, wouldn’t it? Zewo is a prestigious Swiss label that we now hope to obtain and on which our Foundation Board wants to start working quickly. If you want to help us, then get in touch. In any case, we will keep you informed of the progress of this process.
I am not sure how much longer we can maintain this somewhat crazy work pace, but I commit, in any case, to putting my energy, all my heart, all my love, and all my passion into it.
I wish you all a beautiful day – The 14.08.2024, Alex