As part of the “Water Connections – MbinuDita Site – East Sumba” Project, we have prepared a three-page document explaining how you can help us.
While Fair Future Foundation has just funded the continuation of the project, we are still far from the mark, we definitely need all of you!
Fair Future Foundation and Kawan Baik Indonesia foundation are working very hard to bring clean water to as many communities and villages as possible.
This #WaterConnections project site of #RebuildMbinudita aims to provide water to more than 200 economically very poor families. A project started at the end of 2021 and will continue for several more months. From boreholes carried out by our two organizations, we will now move on to the creation of a real water network, via the construction of more than ten reservoirs, sanitary points including WCs, showers, etc… These installations include the use of hydrodynamic pumps, the laying of a few kilometers of pipes in the ground, and investment by everyone on site.
To achieve this Fair Future Foundation and Kawan Baik Indonesia uses gravitational force, as you can see in these few images. Indeed, the central point of distribution is our school in #MbinuDita, located on the highest hill in the region.
Such a project does not happen all at once, or with the snap of a finger! We have been there for months, more than a year to be honest! The location of the site, the absence of electricity, the harshness of the local climate, and the virtual absence of access, are some of the elements that mean that we have to be creative, find innovative, sustainable solutions that are above all accessible by men and women from local communities. The objective is also to give the means to all the villagers to be able to carry out the construction of a ferro-cement tank themselves,
Remember that this project aims above all to provide direct access to a source of clean and non-hazardous, even lethal water.
This is to reduce infant mortality, congenital problems, serious illnesses linked to the consumption of unsanitary water. Improving living conditions, creating economic opportunity, creating wealth and mental well-being!
Why this document?: This document aims to allow you to help us by financing an installation only, without compromising the entire project. You can make a donation for only one part, which will include the construction of a sanitary installation (two toilets, two showers, a water point for watering and washing clothes…). This includes a tank between 5 and 10,000 liters and technical materials such as Pipes, pumps, part of a deep borehole, tools and various materials…)
What we have to do is a huge job that requires us to be on-site during these phases of setting up and creating these “water connections”. Basically, we have to build 10 tanks, and 10 complete sanitary solutions, all built with simple materials (iron, cement, bamboo, and dry grass). It is interesting and very innovative, and in addition, it empowers the beneficiaries (the local community, the more than 200 families), because they are with us to work, it is their reward in fact the foundation creates. For their future life, their children’s children too.
We thank you all for your kindness and interest. You are precious to us and know that nothing will be possible if you are not there.
See you soon from the Mbinudita site, Sumba East.
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Water Connections Program at Glance
How you can participate in the financing of a single installation
Download this presentation in .pdf here – Share it, print it!
Your comment and feedback is invaluable
…to all of us here who are working in the field. You have a role to play, you can bring us your knowledge, it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your words and your benevolence.